Hey Take a look at my work!

ADHD project

This project was my first one. It is a simple web page with information about ADHD.

It didn't envolve a lot of design, it was ment to show the knowledge achieved on the basic course.

Created with basic html, css and js.

Launch ADHD project

This project is a web app to show the current weather on any city arround the world, it can also can tell you the weather on your location.

Created with html, css, js and bootstrap
It uses APIs to get the data.

Launch Weather project
Weather project

Croissant example project

This is a simple app just applying the knowledge achieved from the bootstrap and basic responsive lessons.

Created with html, bootstrap and css

Launch Croissant project

This app is an example of a portfolio builded previous to this one.

Created with html, css and bootrstrap

Launch portfolio project
Portfolio example project